Jean-Paul was born in Paris, France. He has evolved his unique painting style through years of loving dedication to beauty and art. He is also a meditation teacher and a linguist. He currently resides in Arizona, in the US.
Art is a gateway, a gateway to esthetic, emotional and spiritual experience. A painting evokes, stimulates and provokes feeling. The universe - as I experience it - exists within and beyond physical reality. There is a miraculous, transcendent layer of existence present in all layers of energy and consciousness. It is the realm of beings of light, of pure essence and eternal spiritual virtues. This is the reality I evoke and seek to bring forth in my image. Each painting is a portal for the viewer's experience, a gateway to realms of ecstasy, peace and infinite beauty. Each image carries a set of frequencies. My wish is that they should help the viewers in their travels to spiritual experience. My work also means to bring higher light and energy into our mental and physical lives: to carry beyond and to enhance.
The images I paint represent beautiful beings of Light, guides for our Universe from other realms. In that sense, they are meditation images, calling us to focus on other wordly perfection, enlightenment and grace. They are reminders that other vibrations, energies and lights exist for us, our comfort and inner peace.
My intent as I dream and paint these pieces is to bring the vibrations of Spiritual Freedom into our world.
They can be used as meditation portals, as sacred initiation objects. The goal is to reach purer and higher states of energy and consciousness in your life. I hope that they serve you, bringing greater vibrations of Peace, Joy and Power into your Life.
Jean-Paul Setlak
White Princess Art
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Copyright ©2023 White Princess Art | All Rights Reserved | Created by Dylan Duffner Designs